Sasa Blagojevic
- Od prvog susreta sa foto aparatom fotografija postaje njegova ljubav i opsesija, pocinje da zivi fotografiju . Njegov rad deli na dva pravca na Stock ( komercijalnu ) i Umetnicku fotografiju.
Zahvaljujuci Stock fotografiji, nеколико десетина његових фотографија налази се на корицама књига, а неколико десетина хиљада фотографија објављено је у разним часописима, интернет порталима, итд. широм света.
U umetnickoj fotografiji nosilac je zvanja EFIAP -Excellence de la Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique I PPSA – Proficiency Photographic Society of America . Dobitnik je oko 200 nagrada na medjunarodnim izlozbama umetnicke fotografije u Australiji , Americi , Juznoj Africi , na Azijskom kontinentu i naravno u mnogim Evropskim zemljama. Nagrada koja zauzima posebno mesto je zlatna medalja osvojena u Australiji 2017 godine na izlozbi printanih fotografija , za fotografiju Girl with buny , kada je ista i proglasena za najbolju Kolor fotografiju . A kao godinu izdvaja 2021 kada je ucestvovao na 11 izlozbi i dobio 40 nagrada
Cesto se njegovo ime nalazi i na listi zirija na izlozbama umetnicke fotografije .Pored izlozbi u Srbiji i okolnim zemljama na spisku zirija se nalazio i u Kini , Sri lanki , Norveskoj i td.
Оснивач је и председник Фото клуба АРТ 321 u Cupriji , gde radi i zivi.
- From the first encounter with the camera, photography becomes his love and obsession, he begins to live photography. He divides his work into two directions: Stock (Commercial) and Art Photography.
Thanks to Stock Photography, several dozen of his photographs are on the covers of books, and several tens of thousands of photographs have been published in various magazines, Internet portals, etc. Worldwide.
In artistic photography, he holds the title of EFIAP – Excellence de la Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique I PPSA – Proficiency Photographic Society of America. He has won about 200 awards at international art photography exhibitions in Australia, America, South Africa, the Asian continent and of course in many European countries. The award that occupies a special place is the gold medal won in Australia in 2017 at the exhibition of printed photographs, for the photograph Girl with buny, when it was declared the best color photograph. And he singled out 2021 as the year when he participated in 11 exhibitions and won 40 awards
His name is often on the list of juries at art photography exhibitions. In addition to exhibitions in Serbia and surrounding countries, he was on the jury list in China, Sri Lanka, Norway, etc.
He is the founder and president of the Photo Club ART 321 in Cuprija, where he works and lives.